Monday 24 October 2011

Ma Little CUCU candy

UHA-Mikakuto @ CUCU cute cube candy and me

It was happen more than a year ago...when a lovely fren of my ~ Joey Tan shared it wit me and it was also ma first time to “get in touch" with Matcha.....I didn’t eat it on the spot due to its cute individual wrapping...... Well…without those pictures and info on the packaging…

it's surprize me after the first try of i didn’t feel headache as usual after the consumption of kinda green tea products…..

The CUCU cute cube candy is a dice shape candy contains condensed mixture of milk, Matcha as well as Hokkaido red bean.. and its shape maintained throughout your melting and it doesn’t really go sharp which somehow might hurt you likes some other candies….

The Matcha flavour is strong as you could immediately feel the sense of milky matcha… and I likes the milky matcha flavour as some others might not that favour of it as CUCU doesn’t  likes those green tea kinda candies that having a rich taste or juicy in green tea… 

CUCU is stand of “Cute Candy” as it was named…. And it is really a lovely and cutesy candy as it was intended….It was a palatable candy enjoyment to me...

Somehow, CUCU is more priceless for me as it having a lovely friendship behind….

“July, 2010: My first meet with CUCU as Joey shared it to me….and i can’t get it after few weeks for searching because it was temporary out of stock…. I told this experience and ma tragedy to lovely Joey…. she remembered and bought it back to me after a year ago….she is a friend that keep your words in heart even it’s just small happening within her life”

We seldom see and contact with each others, we doesn’t having a long history been together,    but you are a friend of mine….a priceless treasure of mine….hope our friendship remain and somehow better….

Tuesday 12 July 2011


我的老哥总是忙于工作呆在家的时间总是很少全家人也会为他的归家而感到兴奋妈妈总会忙于准备一些有的没的~(其实其他孩子回家时妈妈也会那么做的啦 ^^)我们也甚至会一家人驾车直冲KL 就是见见他,也是为了能一家人好好吃一顿饭



Saturday 2 July 2011


过去的六月份,其实蛮有口福的先是Ampang Satay Station大支且多汁的satay接着便有几个饭局还有朋友聚会忙着吃也忙着玩和聊天忙得很!!  

庆祝的地点在Mid ValleyManhattan Fish Market 大家一伙人都未曾关顾过加上我们的珍珍喜爱吃鱼所以就是它了!! 很久没大家一起聚会聊天,所以享用美食之于还不忘大聊特聊 !!  
聚会的同时,食物的美味也是蛮重要的!! 但是当天的食物就不怎么得到好评和欢喜大致上menu 里好几种所推荐的个人餐点也都试过,但都不怎么样


沙登大眼仔 ◕‿◕ 饭馆的饭局
身为UPM 的学生,也在沙登区打滚了将近四至五年了却从来都没有仔细地留意沙登区的美食哈哈~ 真的蛮惭愧地发现这个不错的地方,也是经由阿珍与Kaeon的介绍
大眼仔饭馆的外观,不怎样不过它最为吸引我的地方却是:它无限量地雪糕天哪!! 说到雪糕,我就要发狂了啦 !! 实在是太爽了!!  
那天我们一共点了四样菜,还有大眼仔饭馆的免费汤水所以勉强的当作五个菜,五个人的分量却只是RM62 左右价格公道食物的分量不会太小,味道也不错坦白地说,汤水和雪糕的货色其实也就只是一般而已 不过,无限量的供应却是它的卖点, 它的立足特点!! 基本上是个不错的地方哦

Monday 20 June 2011

Papa’s day out @ Satay Station , Ampang Waterfront

Well…my family and i do prefer to go chinese restaurant for papa’s day celebration or for the purpose of any celebrations normally… As usual, we are looking for a place to hang out for this papa’s day…. we (sis, bro and me) decided not go for routine again this year…  and so, fights and bargains against the venue and meal for the celebration are “on-show” in the car which in our way to find for the venue….

But thing seems goes unexpectedly….we come to a consensus at last…which is totally not expected at all….and it is  >>>>> satay  the choice of the day which highly recommended by my eldest bro…..

I think...we had made a wise choice at last and goes home with fully utility after the meal at “Satay Station, Ampang Waterfront”

Stepping into the restaurant….i was first attracted by the traditional malay song sang live by the band at the centre of the restaurant…. The band is using the traditional musical elements….  And it sound great!!!

Ordering a cup of teh tarik~ waiting for our meal to serve… I am wondering why this satay could able to attract the crowd to come that time…. With its price of 90 cent per stick …it is considering expensive for me ….

At last, the food had answered my doubts when it been served…

The foods are being served in a traditional bamboo plate (hehe....i am not very sure about the materials ...) which I do not see this kind of serving any where so far…. And it is simply so lovely and unique for me…. Furthermore, the satays itself are so yummy, juicy and also “big” in size!!!  Can you imagine ?!  A 90 cent satay is actually not that highly priced!!! And it is worth….because its size is actually doubled than other ordinal satays…. Extra winning point of the food is the sauce; the peanut sauce was also great!!!!  Full of crushed peanut! And this is the peanut sauce that I look for!!!

And I think girl could only eat 6 sticks maximum…. So guys…do not order that much for your first visit of satay station…

without fancy cakes, glamorous presents  but with our hand-made cards and also the priceless time for us to gather and chat  after the meal… Our daddy seen enjoyable and mummy seen joyful as well…. And this is the family day we want!!!!  

Love you, my daddy & mummy^^
I do believe... parent always love their child...

Tuesday 14 June 2011


这个六月真是个幸福的月份,原本都没怎么发觉地 也没有什么特别的感想 但眼看到朋友在FB blog里一个一个地分享属于他们的婚礼或朋友的婚礼无可否认!六月真的太多新人拉天窗了!! 旁人也都开心 
朋友写了一个新婚的blog兄弟篇, 那我就来一个姐妹篇啦!!

今年六月五日,是Henry Venus计划已久的日子 (^__^)v… 期待 ,期待

六月四日,结婚大喜的前夕忙碌而充实的一天当天一早,兴奋地起床喝着喜欢的咖啡 ,削着马铃薯为什么是马铃薯? 原因无它! 因为本人对煮不太精通为大厨们准备材料是最好也最适合我的工作岗位很高兴能够认识,且能和安娣们还有佩敏合作真的很愉快,很多笑话可以听!!时间与工作在大家的欢笑里,不知不觉地过了

同时,在该晚真的能够感受到新娘子的雀跃和忐忑姐妹们last call的紧急会议也是个重大的事因为结婚整新郎和兄弟们的环节是婚礼其中一个重头戏!! 它也是朋友们(姐妹和兄弟们)联手为新人准备的回忆!!好让他们的婚礼才不会那么的乏味~ 经过姐妹们的商讨明天的整人流程终于出来了(姐妹们,请容许我擅自为我们的整人游戏取了人摸人样的名字):


吉祥和意头对华人来说是很重要地, 所以能不能成功地讨老婆就得看看新郎的“诚意”咯!!


真的好喜欢这个!! 这个安排蛮用心地为了证明新郎以后可以有能力抚养将来的baby… 新郎需咬着奶嘴,向兄弟们推销“wasabi 牙刷” 来赚取奶粉钱每一支牙刷售价RM5…当然, 这些奶粉钱都需要交给姐妹们保管!! 呵呵同时也体贴地为兄弟们安排一个刷牙的时段, 好让他们一整天都有迷人的气息!!! 哈哈哈哈用心良苦啊!!


也是个用心和体贴的环节刚刷牙的兄弟们 请先漱口!!甜甜粘粘的牛奶应该不会刁难你们吧!! 

喝完牛奶, 就请吃早餐吧!! 早餐请各位 用嘴从白白的面粉堆里找出并自行享用早餐咯!!




新郎哥大声地读出宣誓并在亲友的见证下,签上大名从今以后不能耍赖了! 新娘请收着它以便用在将来的claim


没有朋友在婚礼当过兄弟,所以没什么想法总是站在姐妹们的立场, 策划并整人还有A 红包哈哈   所以,“雪妮, 你倒是给我很大的顿悟哦!!”还有, 可以当兄弟是个很特别 的体验我好像都没有看过其他人有过如此的经验!!

姐妹们的小小牺牲 = 早早起身准备  和,
兄弟们的小小牺牲 = 即场被人整蛊   
